Monday, 29 November 2010

NaNoWriMo - The Endgame.

Well, I started this month with the intention of writing a 50000 word Novel. It was calle the Longest day, and it was the tale of four racing drivers battling their way in their respective classes towards the win.

How did I do? Well...

Yup, 50,022 words later, I finally crossed the border and was declared an official winner of my first NaNoWriMo. Have I finished my novel? No. I've still got six chapters to go. I've then got to edit, pad, and pimp it out to make it into something worth at least self-publishing.

Watch this space, Mofos. right now, though, I'm gonna pass out. Davif, Jaime, John and Tom can wait until the morning at least.

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